A Place to Belong...

Located in the Forest City, our parish is an active, warm, friendly place to worship Christ.

Find out more below:

  • What is it like?
    Our parish offers many fellowship groups, outreach programs and educational events.  There is something for everyone to find spiritual enrichment, fellowship and personal growth opportunities as we come together in Christ's name.   And dress comfortably for church.  Jesus did! 
  • What about my kids?
    We offer a Children's Focus at the begining of our 10:00 am service each week.
  • How do I participate?
    Join us Sundays at 8:00 a.m. for BCP Eucharist or at 10:00  a.m. for a BAS Choral Eucharist. Please note that our 10:00 am services are streamed and uploaded to our YouTube channel. You may watch this service later at your convenience on our YouTube channel.
  • What about the offering? 
    If you join us and would like to make an offering, you may choose to do so at our services or through this website  - please click here.
  • How can I get connected?
    Please fill out the form below.

St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church New Member Form

Welcome to St. Michael & All Angels! Please complete this form to introduce yourself (and family) to our parish. We have two services every Sunday at 8 am (BCP) and at 10 am (BAS) that can be attended either in person or via Zoom.

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